Summer Hair Removal Tips

Summer Hair Removal Tips

Unwanted body hair can leave you feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable, especially during the spring and summer months. If you want to feel confident in that new bikini but you're still unsure what to do about that hair growing in those unwanted places, you're not alone.

There are a variety of options when it comes to hair removal. From shaving and waxing to laser hair removal and electrolysis, there are many possibilities to consider. How do you know which hair removal technique is right for you? Here's what you need to know about your different options for removing unwanted hair this summer so you can look and feel your best.


Shaving is perhaps the most traditional and common method of hair removal. Many women are fine with using a razor to remove hair from their legs, armpits and even bikini areas. While shaving is relatively easy and effective, it can be time consuming, especially since it needs to be done frequently to eliminate stubble and prevent regrowth.


Like shaving, removing hair by tweezing is another DIY method of hair removal that many women are comfortable with. Tweezing is most effective when it comes to shaping eyebrows and removing unwanted hair from your navel and nipples.


Waxing is a common choice when it comes to removing facial hair. Though it takes some time to master the skill of waxing, many people are comfortable doing it themselves after a bit of practice. This makes waxing a budget-friendly, effective way to remove unwanted facial hair. Typically, the results last between three to six weeks.

Professional waxing is typically a top choice for removing hair from the bikini line, as this area can be challenging area to reach by yourself. Waxing results last longer than shaving results when it comes to this area, as pubic hair is coarser than hair found on the rest of the body, making even a small amount of stubble irritating and noticeable. Keep in mind that while waxing this area can be painful at first, subsequent sessions are less painful.


Electrolysis is a method of hair removal that involves destroying hair follicles with an electrified needle. This can be moderately painful and time consuming, but will provide permanent hair removal results once the series of procedures is complete. Keep in mind that though at-home electrolysis kits do exist, it is highly recommended that electrolysis be performed by a trained professional.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a procedure that involves damaging hair follicles with an intense beam of light so that they are inhibited from growing. While laser hair removal is often thought to be permanent, laser treatments typically result in permanent hair reduction. This means that some hair regrowth is expected, though it will likely be less.

Laser hair removal is an effective choice for removing hair from large portions of the body, including legs. It tends to provide longer lasting results than shaving or waxing, but typically does not provide permanent results. It's also important to keep in mind that laser hair removal procedures can also be expensive.

IPL Hair Removal

Intensed Pulse Light (IPL) hair removal is an increasingly popular form of hair removal for both men and women. It is a non-invasive treatment that uses intense pulses of light to heat and destroy hair follicles. Like laser hair removal, IPL hair removal will permanently reduce hair but in most cases will not permanently remove all hair from the treated area.

IPL hair removal treatments can eliminate hair from a variety of areas of the body, including the underarms, the face and the bikini area. It's a fast, gentle option for attaining long-lasting hair removal results and is a great alternative to waxing, shaving and plucking.

Don't Let Unwanted Hair Get in the Way of Your Confidence This Summer

Whether you plan to shave and pluck or you plan to seek the assistance of a professional hair removal expert, don't let unwanted body hair leave you feeling self-conscious this summer. Stick with the tried and true hair removal option that works best for you or branch out and try something new and different this year!

Considering IPL hair removal this summer? Find out what you need to know about IPL hair removal and other cosmetic and medical spa procedures that can help you look and feel your best this summer, then schedule a free consultation today by calling (518) 793-0475.

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